JEO4090 / Academic Writing


1Filling in forms, titles in English, punctuation, filling in a form[1] s. 4-9
2Location, family, introducing yourself, informal letters[1] s. 10-17
3Formal letters, conjunctions, writing a formal letter[1] s. 17-23
4Describing places, combining adjectives, compound words[1] s. 23-27
5Weather, postcards[1] s. 28-33
6Places, informal invitations and suggesstions, paragraphs[1] s. 34-45
7Instructions, directions, telephone messages[1] s. 46-53
8Writing about the past, ordering events[1] s. 54-56
9Description and action in the past, giving more information, sending a telex[1] s. 57-63
10Curriculum vitae (c.v), writing a curriculum vitae[1] s. 64-71
11Writing about the past, writing a letter of application for a job, sending a telegram[1] s. 71-75
12Looking towards the future, reports, conjunctions[1] s. 76-79
13Comparatives, ordering your ideas-marking words, writing a report[1] s. 80-87
14Formal invitations, narrative, consolidation[1] s. 88-96