Incoming Students
Dear Students ,
You can find the necessary forms for your application in the following steps. We wish you to have a happy and comfortable stay during your Erasmus+ study term. Enjoy your stay !!!
Erasmus Incoming Students / Application Procedure
First step:
The International Office of your University has to send to the e-mail address: the list of students selected to come to our University within the ERASMUS programme. This list must contain the following information:
· full name of the student
· student’s e-mail address
· sex
· nationality
· place and date of birth
· name and ERASMUS code of the sending institution
· field of studies
· level
· period of stay (1st term, 2nd term, full academic year)
Second step:
Once we have these information, you’ll receive an e-mail you will receive an application procedure package together with the forms which you need for application.
Third step:
After you have filled in the forms successfully, you have to sign the document and have it signed by the Departmental and Institutional Coordinators and send it us by ordinary mail or scanned by e-mail (NO FAX will be accepted) with a copy of the ID or passport. Deadlines : 30 August 2020 (1st semester and whole year) and 30 November 2020 (2nd semester)
How to reach to Nigde
Ömer Halisdemir University is located between the city of Nigde and the town of Bor. There is no international
airport but there is one in the city of Adana and one in the city of Kayseri. The easiest way to come to Ömer Halisdemir University would be by plane to these cities since they are very close to Nigde. The travel just takes 1, 5 hour from Kayseri to Nigde by bus and 2 hours from Adana. In addition, there are buses from other cities of Turkey to Nigde. Exchange students and faculty members are welcomed from airport and bus station by our Erasmus office staff if they let us know their exact arrival time.
Since Nigde cannot be reached directly by air , it can be reached to Kayseri airport or Adana Airport first and our body/ mentor student can take you from the airports when you give us information about your arrival date and time. If you come with a group of 4, we can arrange our school bus to take you from the airports.
Accommodation for national and international students is available in the dormitories in campus, Milli Piyango Dormitory, Ayhan Sahenk Dormitory , or in the city centre KYK Dormitory and. All rooms are furnished and internet connection is available. Breakfast and diner fees are included in the fee which is not up to 300 TL( 100 Euros) for 3 months and there are canteens where students can have breakfast and other meals for minimal cost. There are also study rooms on each floor.
In the area where the dormitories are located, the students can find sports facilities as well as the
places for outdoor sports activities such as fields for football and basketball, tennis courts, sports halls, gym center, etc. Private minibuses run regularly to and from main parts of the city daily including weekends and holidays from early morning until midnight. There are also some private dormitories which are in the city centre or around the city centre. They are all furnished and meals are not included in the fee, if the students like they can stay there by paying 400 TL (150 Euros ) a month. The students also can rent a flat if they like or share a house together with our students. Minimum flat rent is 350 TL maximum is 500 TL. It is also possible to rent a room in a family house or student’s house. The students should give us information about where they will stay before coming to Nigde since we can arrange their accommodations before they come.
The Students must contact the Turkish Embassy/ Consulate in their city or country of residence to check on visa requirements for a study period in Turkey.
Upon arrival in Nigde
Go to the International Office with identity card or passport. The office will enrol you at the University. All students must apply for the residency permit within 8 days of arrival if they stay in Turkey more than 3 months. The Office will help you in all precedures of applying for residency permit. Students are required to take the documents listed below to the Police station to get the residency permit:
1) 4 Photos
2) Passport
3) Photocopy of the passport
4) The address of your dormitory/apartment where you stay in.
5) 2700 Turkish Liras (About 75-80 Euros) for the residence permit booklet as of January 2024. (This cost is just for registration procedure, the Erasmus students are exempt from the time-based permit fee). The price is for the year of 2024 and it is subject to change.
Health-care information
It is compulsory for all Erasmus students to have health insurance which covers their Erasmus study period. The students can benefit from the State hospital or private hospitals’ health services for their health problems with the Health Insurance Card.
Before leaving
At the end of your Erasmus period you can ask to the International Office a final certificate of attendance and transcript of records as well as departure certifcate if your school requests.
Academic calendar
The basic unit for Turkish higher education system is the academic year, which starts in September and ends in June. However, every higher education has its own academic calendar. The courses can start as early as September/October and, generally, are held thorough the end of May/middle of June. Teaching activities are divided into two semesters: from September to February and from February to June. There is one half–term holiday between two semesters, as well as holidays at Christmas and National and religious holidays, and a summer holiday, from the end of June to the beginning of the courses in the next academic year. In order to see the academic calendar please click on.
Classes take place from Monday to Friday and, occasionally, on Saturday, both in the morning and in the afternoon. As a rule, lectures are given in Turkish and English. The University is working towards providing an increasing number of courses taught in English in order to meet the demand for courses accessible to international students and researchers. Every year each School publishes a syllabus giving details of courses offered and their contents.
Attending courses
There are no pre-requisites to attend courses, nor registration fees. Exams are given orally and written. Course contents and exam schedules are planned by Schools and published. (For more details regarding courses and exams it is advisable to consult with professors involved in each course. Further information can be obtained from the International Relations Offfice .
There are two examination sessions every term, one is called as “visa”, one is called as “final” held in each semester, in Autumn, and Summer. Dates vary with each course. Grades are given on a scale as in the following chart:
Degree of Success
ECTS Grades
Local Grades
Numeral Grades
Very Good
| 80-84
Average | CB | 75-79 | 2.50 |
Passing Grade | CC | 70-74 | 2.00 |
Conditional Passing Grade | DC | 65-69 | 1.50 |
Conditional Passing Grade | DD | 60-64 | 1.00 |
Failure | FD | 50-59 | 0.50 |
Failure | FF | 0-49 | 0.00 |
The University organizes free intensive Turkish, German and English courses for LLP/Erasmus students in both autumn and summer semesters.
For further information and for registration contact: /
The responsible staff:
Mrs.Hulya URUNDU, Expt.
Address: Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University
International Relations Office
51240 Campus Nigde/ Turkey
+90388 225 21 48